1. General

Health Checks Page shows you what is going on with your Health Checks. Which we will call HC for the rest of this document. 

HCs are listed in this page. Top border of each HC box shows you the status of HC. You can also see some basic information about the HC. Below the basic information you see a chart gives you last 20 response times average from all locations. Top right corner we have a gear icon button which gives so some actions for the HC.

We will explain more each sections of these HC boxes below.

To create a HC you have a big Add New button you will always see at the top left of the list.

2. Status Border

Status types and how there are represented on the page.

  • Green: HC is active and in success state
  • Orange: HC is active and in warning state which means the Poor Service Threshold is exceeded in the last N requests
  • Red: HC is active and in failed state which means the selected Confirm Type and Confirm Value is not matching in the last N requests. Default Confirm Type is "Status Code" and Confirm Value is "200"
  • Grey: HC is passive

3. Basic Information

This area is top left and gives you information listed below.

  • Name
  • Request Type
  • Request Url
  • Confirm Type
  • Confirm Value
  • SSL Check Status
    • Green: Active
    • Red: Passive

4. Gear Icon

This icon is location at top right corner of each HC box. Here are the actions it show when you click on it.

  • Edit: Takes you to Edit HC page. Which gives you opportunity to change current properties of HC.
  • Pause/Resume: This button toggles between Pause and Resume. Which changes the status of HC between these statuses. 
  • Delete: Deletes the HC.

5. Chart

This area shows you the last 20 request response times. Numbers are average of all locations. Chart is a column chart and each column can have 3 colors. Colors are a result of response of each request. Since this chart averages of all location highest priority is shown for each column. Color order is Error > Warning > Success. 

  • Blue: Success state
  • Orange: Warning state
  • Red: Error state