1. General
This page gives you a list of all saved contacts that will receive Health Check errors, warnings and recovery messages. We will call a Health Check HC for the rest of this document.
2. Create Contact Form
This form has 4 Fields.
- Type: Type of contact.
- Sms
- Slack
- Name: Name of this contact
- To: Represents different value based on the type.
- Email: Email address of this contact
- Sms: Phone number of this contact
- WhatsApp: Phone number of this contact
- Slack: Slack App WebHook address
- Status: Status of this contact. Active receives alert and Passive don't.
3. Contact List
This list shows you both active and passive contacts. Fields explained below.
- First field represents the contact type by the shown icon
- Second field shows the Name of the contact
- Third field shows the To field of the contact
- Fourth field is a toggle switch which shows you the current status of this contact and allows you to change it when you click on it.
- Fifth field is a button which gives you option to delete the contact.