1. General

This page allows you to finish your purchase. This page gives you a list of items in your cart on the left hand side of the page. On the right hand side you have the purchase form. Cart list is pretty self explanatory but the purchase form might need some explanation.

2. Purchase Form

This form has 6 of 7 fields depending on the country you are living. Fields are explained below

  • Billing address is the address that will show up on your invoices. You can edit it on this page by pushing the edit button right next to the title of the field once you are done you need to press save to update your billing address.
  • Auto renew licenses allows you to automatically renew you licenses in this cart once they are expired.
  • Name on card is the full name as it is presented on your credit card.
  • Card number is the number sequence located on your credit card. You don't need to put spaces they will be placed automatically.
  • MM/YY field is the expiration date of your credit card. MM represents the month and YY represents the year.
  • CVC is the code usually located on the back of your credit card. Usually 3 numbers.
  • ZIP will be automatically shown if you are living in U.S. or Canada. It gives extra validation your credit card information. You should enter the ZIP code you shared with your bank.